2006 - EVE RO CENTER - Romaninan EVE Online Community

Here is an interview for E-ON magazine, the official publication of the game EVE Online, about the Romanian community and it's event, EVE Players Gathering Romania 2007.


Traandus (Iulian Agapie) – community manager
Emissar Bruto (Emil Enache) – community speaker
Monahus (Razvan Burlacu) – designer
Iorya Dragon (George Neguceanu) – web master
Maitreyi (Matei Molner) – music composer
VladDracu (Vlad Raduca) – video artist

We are trying very hard to have, in the first place, a very professional "look" of the community, a very good looking website, a very good looking presentation of the gathering, a very good looking poster for the event. I wanted this very badly because I saw other fan sites made by players in other countries and it did seamed to me to not shown the deserved respect for EVE or for the devs. So, I get in the first place for a good respect for all that means EVE Online. (And I am NOT a freak seeing all the way EVE Online… ☺ )

Second, it was for the first time in Romania when a massive-multiplayer-online-game was condensed in a very real community and has it a gathering of the players. And I am very proud to bring in the scene of the mmog's magazines in Romania the EVE Online. (I am "full" of goblins and dwarfs...)

The event itself was made entirely for the players, and in many times the players decided what to do, but this was in about six months on the EVE RO CENTER forum, talking about what they want to have at the first gathering. Because we can't present the features from Revelations at that time, we tried to have a more artistic and fan activities beside the EVE Online. That developed a short movie of the event, an original score for it, 1 hour of original music mixes with the in-game sounds (you can download the music for the event from eve-files)
The PvP Tournament was in plan but have turn into something more interesting being a "cool" spontaneous duel between old friends or old enemies, meeting for the first time face-to-face.

On the main website of EVE RO CENTER was a page for people that announced their participation at the event and the number of this was raised to 148 peoples. But, at the event we have a great surprise when we finished to give everyone's personal badge (so, 148 badges) and the flux at the door wasn't done yet ☺. In total, the number was above 200 peoples, almost 250. And that was very cool! After the event on the forum was a topic where some players announced their regrets to not have been there.
And all of the players that came weren't only from Bucharest or only from Romania. Some players invited their friends from alliances or corporations that came from other countries from Europe.

Many players were from big alliances, like Band of Brothers, or Outbreak. Some from Keith of Venal, Curatores Veritas Alliance, Ushra'Khan (that was fun to see how an UK meet an CVA ☺ )…

The success of the event I think it was in proportion of 80%, because no official from CCP or E-ON was there. That's it! ☺
It was a very good event for the players of EVE Online from Romania. And I think that for them was a "massive success" to have the official background to meet each other, to have a common hobby to discuss in an well organized space, but in the same time to a non-formal event.

Overall, the event was started this time last year, like a crazy idea in a pub, when I, Traandus, with Emissar Bruto was having a beer (ok, maybe it was the 5th one when the idea strike the sponged-brain of Emissar ☺ ), and after some time (couple of weeks) I decided that must be done. I gathered some good old folks around me and I give them the first mail with tasks ☺. I planned the finances, from some personal stock options, make the budget, around 10.000 Euros, and said that is it possible if we will do it for our self's first of all. And to do it I realized that I wanted to know who would come. And we made EVE RO CENTER, the Romanian EVE Online Community, which became official on 1st November 2006, to know that at the event will be only real players of EVE Online.
So, to do the event, we've done first the community.

Thank you for your interest,